A pronoun is used in place of a noun. Different forms are used to show person, number, gender, and case. There are personal, interrogative, indefinite, demonstrative, and reflexive pronouns.
Singular |
Nominative (used in the place of a subject) |
Objective (used after verbs) |
Possessive (as an adjective) |
Possessive (as a pronoun) |
1stperson |
I |
me |
my |
mine |
2ndperson |
you |
you |
你的 |
你的s |
3rdperson masculine |
he |
him |
his |
his |
3rdperson feminine |
she |
her |
her |
hers |
3rdperson gender-neutral* |
they* |
them* |
theirs |
theirs* |
3rdperson inanimate |
it |
it |
its |
its |
*see reverse side of this handout, “Pronoun/antecedent agreement”
Plural |
Nominative |
Objective |
Possessive (as an adjective) |
Possessive (as a pronoun) |
1stperson |
we |
us |
our |
ours |
2ndperson |
you |
you |
你的 |
你的s |
3rdperson |
they |
them |
their |
theirs |
For example:Itookmysister toherdoctor.
Shegaveusa new table forourkitchen.
For example:Wholeft the light on?
Whichbook is yours?
For example: Matt was the onewhobuilt the picnic table.
The house,whichhas a garden in bloom, is very inviting.
For example:No onehas a good idea for the workshop. (singular)
Manygo on vacation in August. (plural)
The indefinite pronounssome, none, all, most,andanycan be singular or plural depending on the meaning of the sentence.
For example:Someof theworkis done. (singular)
Someof themarkscome off easily. (plural)
For example:Thisis more expensive thanthat.
Theseare my favorites, notthose.
For example: Bianca made the cake byherself.
Erin and Renee tried to occupythemselveswhen work was slow.
Pronoun and antecedent agreement
Your meanings will be clearer if your pronouns “agree” in person and number with their antecedents, which are the words that the pronouns replace or the words they refer to.
Pronoun and antecedent do not agree:Studentsshould be careful to avoid plagiarism inherwriting.
Pronoun and antecedent agree:Studentsshould be careful to avoid plagiarism intheirwriting.
In some cases, “they” functions as a singular pronoun to refer to a person whose gender you do not know or whose preferred pronouns are they/them/theirs. For example:
A studentshould be careful about checking grammar intheirwriting.
For example: LisaandTracy are writingtheirpapers.
For example: BenorJames will readhisessay.
For example: The teacher orthe studentswill havetheirway.
The students orthe teacherwill haveherway.
Vague pronoun reference
In conversation, the prounounsitandtheyare often used to make vague reference to people and situations. In writing, more precise identification increases clarity..
Vague: The history test was made up of multiple-choice questions.Itdisturbed us.
Precise : The history test was made up of multiple-choice questions.This failure to evaluate students’ analytic abilitiesdisturbed us.
Last updated 11/19/2020